Fowler Coat of Arms / Fowler Family Crest

Fowler Family Crest / Fowler Coat of Arms
Origin Displayed: English
Where did the English FOWLER family come from? What is the English coat of arms/family crest? When did the FOWLER family first arrive in the United States? Where did the various branches of the family go? What is the history of the family name?
One relatively recent invention that did much to standardize English spelling was the printing press. However, before its invention even the most literate people recorded their names according to sound rather than spelling. The spelling variations under which the name FOWLER has appeared include Fowler, Fouler, Fowlers, Fouler, Fowlar, Folar, Fouller, Fowlare, Foweller, Fowaller, Foulier, Foullar, Foular and many more.
First found in Norfolk where they were seated from very ancient times, some say well before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D.
At this time, the shores of the New World beckoned many English families that felt that the social climate in England was oppressive and lacked opportunity for change. Thousands left England at great expense in ships that were overcrowded and full of disease. A great portion of these settlers never survived the journey and even a greater number arrived sick, starving, and without a penny. The survivors, however, were often greeted with greater opportunity than they could have experienced back home. These English settlers made significant contributions to those colonies that would eventually become the United States and Canada. An examination of early immigration records and passenger ship lists revealed that people bearing the name FOWLER arrived in North America very early: John Fowler who settled in Virginia in 1622; just two years after the arrival of the "Mayflower." He was followed soon after by settlers of the name in Barbados, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Rhode Island.
Motto Translated: He is wise who watches
Suggested Readings for the name FOWLER
* Immigrated to Tennessee: Chronicles of a Fowler Family by Jane Cook Hollis. * Palmer, Fowler Genealogies.
Some noteworthy people of the name FOWLER
* Clara Ann Fowler (b. 1927), original name of American Patti Page * Francis George Fowler, co-author of "The King's English" * Professor Alastair Fowler, English Literature * Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler (1860-1929), English author * Alfred Fowler (1868-1940), British astronomer * Derek Fowler, Financier * Frank Fowler, Medical Officer * Gerald Fowler, M.P * Henry Fowler, Banker * Peter Fowler, Royal Society * Norman Fowler, M.P * Sir Robert Fowler, Diplomat * Ronald Fowler, Author * Professor William Fowler, Physics * Francis Fowler, Executive
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